There’s nothing more frustrating than working hard towards a goal to see no results.
In this article you will learn simple strategies to effectively speed up your fat burning machine.
Recently we ran a series of seminars about the importance of liver health, especially as it relates to fat loss.
In those seminars we talked about the role of the liver and we discovered that the liver’s main job is to deal with the toxic load it gets bombarded with from the food we eat and drink and the environment around us.
The liver has many other functions: protein synthesis, hormone production, it aids in your digestion, it’s even a back up store of energy for the brain, but most importantly for this conversation; it metabolises your fat stores. This means it converts fatty acids into a usable form of energy to then be burned away.
The liver’s preference; above all other functions is to deal with these toxins, as they pose a threat to your body.
In an ideal world, when toxins arrive at your liver they should be dealt with straight away. But if they are met with a back log of other toxins they are rerouted and eventually stored in our fat cells where they pose less of a threat to your body.
When you start exercising, these toxins are released back into the blood stream as well as fatty acids to be metabolised by the liver. But remember the liver’s preference is to deal with toxins first so if there’s excess toxicity then your fatty acids eventually end up back in your fat cells which is not ideal from a fat burning perspective.
Toxins need to be efficiently eliminated in order to speed up your fat burning process.
Here are the bodies 4 main ways:
Sweating, Breathing, Peeing and Pooping
Exercise is the best way to take care of the first 2. Increasing water and fibre will handle the rest.
In our seminar I spent a lot of time talking about poop. In my opinion we don’t talk about it enough!
It’s one of the single most important topics as it has to with the health of your digestive system.
Your digestive system needs to be in top working order. It needs plenty of healthy bacteria, it needs to be absorbing all the nutrients from your food and it has to be evacuating properly.
Imagine if you left some food out on the table for 2-3 days. What would happen to it? It would start to turn pretty nasty right? Well that’s what’s happening inside of you, if you’re not properly eliminating.
To do that, you need optimal levels of fibre and water. 2-3 litres of water is achievable but try and get the 35-50 grams of fibre daily and you’ll quickly find it’s a challenge.
The best way we’ve found to achieve that is to use a fibre supplement. We recommend Fibergy from USANA Health Sciences as it has 12 grams of fibre per serving, plus it doesn’t turn into a glumpy mess in your cup before you’re about to chug it down. It’s flavourless so you can add it to your smoothies and cooking and it contains inulin, which the good bacteria in your gut use to stay healthy and multiply.
To increase fibre by food, introduce a green smoothie everyday. Spinach is high in fibre and if you add some chia seeds you’ll be well on your way. There’s plenty of recipes out there but for our personal favourites see our website.
Bottom line: If you’re not “pooping” at least 2 times every single day, please take my advice above very seriously. This is not just for your fat loss efforts, but for the sake of your health.
For a free nutrition consultation, contact us here. We’d love to hear from you.
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