Are YOU An Adrenal Body Type?

By Tarryn Thompson | In Health & Nutrition | on July 29, 2014

I want to give you the most effective leverage over weight loss because it addresses the very things that control it – fat burning hormones.

Fat is not a cushion or insulation, but a store of reserve energy.

Certain hormones have the purpose of directing where fat is placed on the body and it is a distortion of this function that causes different body shapes.

Body shapes are the result of specific correlating glandular problems.

My most common client is one that is showing signs of adrenal weakness, fatigue and sometimes adrenal burnout.

So let’s have a deeper look at the ADRENAL Type.

You have two adrenal glands, one on top of each kidney. And the one thing the adrenal glands do is counteract stress by producing several hormones one of which is cortisol.

The adrenals don’t know the difference between physical stress and mental stress and they treat them both in the same way.

The problem with stress is that its accumulative, which means it builds up over time. Think of your body like a bucket, it can only hold so much stress before it overflows. I asked one of my clients today to explain to me how she feels stress affects her, and she said “sometimes it gets so bad that she would tell her friends that her insides were shaking.”

The adrenal glands also help control our sleep cycles and they even act as a backup organ for the ovaries during menopause.

When the adrenals don’t function properly the body starts to shape by storing fat around the central abdomen area. In some cases it can also affect the face and start to become very round like a moon. Over time the abdomen can start to sag or hang which is different to a protruding belly that is round like a pot belly.

A fat pad can start to develop in the lower neck and upper back area. The face can also develop redness from weakened blood vessels.

The way that stress affects the body is not a figure of speech, nor is it something that your will power needs to try and control. A friend of mine put a post on Facebook asking if we knew anybody who wore many hats so that she could write an article about them. I thought, ask any woman.

I work with many lovely and well meaningful women who are mothers, wives, business women, friends and anyone else that someone may need her to be. I see her amazing ability to be all those things and at the end of a day still have the capacity to give. She gives whatever is left of her until she is exhausted, only to repeat again the next day.

Fat goes where stress is. And if you cannot alleviate the accumulation of daily stresses, they will turn to weekly stresses, which turn to monthly stresses, which if continually not addressed will cause weakened adrenal glands. The only coping mechanism that your body has is to store fat around the abdomen area.

If you wake up at 2-3 am, frequently need to pee, have brain fog, have cravings for caffeine, chocolate, salt, or both. Hair loss,  facial hair, acne – on either sides of the cheek, muscle cramps and muscle pain then you are definitely an adrenal type.

Stress is not always bad as long as you can recover from it. Problems occur when you can’t recover and so you must remember that stress is accumulative.

Before we finish lets take a trip down memory lane..

Do you remember your teens and early 20’s? Pushing through uni cramming for exams living on noodles and red bull with the weekend binge on fun and all associated alcoholic beverages. You don’t sleep, eat or take time to recover. Then you get married, have kids, and because you decided to have each kid 1 year apart you never really got a chance to recover at all. Having babies is a big physical hormonal strain on mum. And you know this so you go to bed having every intention of sleeping through the night but the body can’t turn off despite counting all the sheep in New Zealand.

Around 35 you’ll start to notice that your tummy is getting a bit thicker despite sit ups and bootcamp.

Pain, inflammation, and weight loss don’t mix – in fact, it’s one of the top reasons for people not losing weight.

Some people feel guilty if they skip a day of exercise, I was one of those people. FYI – nearly all the benefit from exercise occurs AFTER the exercise in the recovery part. Remember exercise is a type of stress and the strength of your adrenals will determine if the exercise is good or bad.

I encourage you to take steps today towards your health.

My job as a health coach is to show you how to eat and exercise for your gland weakness. As soon as your body sees that the threat or ‘stress’ is gone, there will be no need for your body to hold fat there.

You need to know how to eat to alleviate stress and let your adrenal glands heal. If you’re unsure of your body type I suggest you take the body type quiz to further identify your gland weakness.

Some people will clearly be one type but many are a combination of. So lets first identify the correct problem. Click here to take the body type quiz.

Yours in Health

Tarryn Thompson

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