You have to eat fat to lose fat

By Nick Thompson | In Health & Nutrition | on August 14, 2014

What? I thought fat makes me fat?

The powers that be told us that fats were bad and educated this to the masses; at the same time that the food industry were bringing out a whole heap of fat free products.

Now you can go to the supermarket and buy the fat free frozen dessert or the full fat dessert. But if they remove the fat it would leave a gaping hole, so have you ever asked yourself what they might replace the fat with? If they had replaced it with sugar it would have been sickly sweet, you would have been on to them. So they loaded it with salt as well.

It’s during this time that we eat more sugar and salt than at any other time in history and our waist sizes are a reflection of that.

I think you would be amazed at how much fats are in my diet. Fats typically do not influence fat-making hormones, however we must make sure that your liver is in optimal condition so that fats do not stress the liver as all hormones must flow through the liver – including the 6 fat burning

There is a reason they are called essential fats – they are essential for good health, and your waistline. Your body can’t make essential fats, you must get them from food.

Monounsaturated fats are the kind found in olive oils, nuts and avocados. Polyunsaturated fats found in fish, walnuts and some seeds. These fats have proven to be powerful reducers of belly fat.

You will also notice that fats help you feel full—they have 9 calories per gram compared to 4 for protein or carbs. So a handful of nuts or some peanut butter with a piece of fruit will help you feel satisfied.

The low fat high protein diet that seems to have come back around
on the diet cycle, in my opinion is one of the most destroying.

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