How to reach your desired body fat goal.

By Tarryn Thompson | In Health & Nutrition | on December 19, 2014

At each stage of the body fat categories there are certain criteria that must be met in order to reach that goal and stay there. For example, someone in the Fitness range with 22-25% body fat will be eating a certain way for 90% of their week, whereas someone in the Acceptable range with 26-31% body fat will stick to the correct eating 75-85% of the time.

So lets look at the categories so you can get an idea of which category you fall into. (The figures given are for women only)

Obese – 41% body fat +

Overweight – 32 – 41%

Acceptable – 26 – 31%

Fitness – 22 – 25%

Athlete – 21% and under

If you are unsure what your body fat % is then compare yourself to the image below. I wouldn’t usually recommend you compare yourself to a picture but we’ll let it slide for this example just so have something you can relate to .

body fat men and women

In each of these categories there are certain things that must be addressed.

In the categories of Obese and Overweight, (between 32% and 41%+ body fat) the underlying reasons for the weight gain i.e gland weaknesses, can go unaddressed and you will still achieve some kind of result provided certain things are done consistently for a period of time.

There are some exceptions, like if the gland is at an acute level of failure – eg type 2 diabetes or metabolic syndrome. This is addressing liver and pancreatic glands. Clinically diagnosed underactive thyroid failure or severe adrenal fatigue is another.

Clinically diagnosed means they will show conclusively in a blood test.

Outside of these exceptions, certain things done consistently for a period of time will have you progressing.

Getting clear on what is actually required, how much wiggle room you have and what will likely come up for you in social, work and relationship situations, will help you decide whether you are ready to make the level of changes required to take that leap. In some cases the goal may need to be adjusted so that the changes you make are maintained and become part of your lifestyle.

You will be surprised at how often people overestimate what they can do in a short space of time and underestimate what they can do in a long time.  

In the categories of 31% body fat and below what will start to become evident is that body fat will store in certain areas like the mid section,  or the hips and thighs. As one moves down into the next categories, the need to address the weakness of the glands becomes more and more crucial.

If you find yourself saying things like, “I just can’t seem to lose the last 3-5 kg!”, “It doesn’t matter how much I exercise how clean I eat I cannot get rid of the fat around my belly, or my legs.”  Then this is likely you.

This is where I found myself for many years. I was so frustrated that I even considered liposuction to take the last of it away.

Thank goodness I persevered.

The Acceptable range, 26 – 31% body fat is where most of my clients come to me for help. They’re at the end of their tether, they’ve seen it all, tried it all, lost some weight and usually gained more back.

Its my aim to make the process of fat loss a healthy one, and one you will ultimately enjoy.

To get to the next body fat categories requires more and more fine tuning each time.

So what about the Fitness range? How do you reach this prestigious level? If you’re in the Acceptable range right now but would really be more satisfied to be in the Fitness range, what I need to help you decide is, is it worth it.

Are you attached enough to the goal to make it happen?

Well I’ve just recorded a webinar which covers the exact steps to what nutrition and exercise strategies are required to reach each level. In that webinar I personally walk you through a plan to achieve your goal where ever you are at.

I’ve also created a template of that plan which you can skip straight to with out watching the webinar. Its hosted on our website. Check out  the link here. (Note: If you’d like to use the plan, you’re welcome to copy and paste it to a word document. Its not copyrighted)

I do encourage you to watch through the webinar though. In there I personally walk you through how to construct your plan.

I sincerely hope it helps

Yours in Health

Tarryn Thompson

P.S If you watch the recorded webinar and submit your plan to be, I have a special offer waiting for you.

P.P.S I clicked record a little late so it starts at about the 3 minute mark. All good though, you only miss a little bit of my intro.

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