How to get rid of cellulite Part 2

By Tarryn Thompson | In Health & Nutrition | on April 25, 2017

Hi Tarryn Thompson here, your virtual health coach.

Last week we discussed 2 advanced strategies to get rid of the cellulite on your hips, thighs and buttocks.

In part 2 how to get rid of cellulite I’m actually going to teach you how to get rid of stubborn fat which helps improve the appearance of cellulite.

When you have stubborn fat you actually have a problem with 3 main issues.

One of them is dehydration, which we covered this in part 1. Click here if you missed it.

The second issue is – a sluggish liver.

So what does your liver have to do with stubborn fat and cellulite?

Well if you’re storing fat on your lower half then you most likely have a problem with excessive estrogen. And your liver is the organ that takes care of that.

But if your diet is loading your liver cannot prioritise clearing the estrogen in your body, so it builds up.

This will result in stubborn cellulite fat around your hips, butt and thighs.

So let’s talk about what the liver needs so you can release that stubborn fat and cellulite issue.

Essential fatty acids, also called EFA’s. They are important nutrients the liver needs to open up detox pathways so it can convert and help your body excrete the estrogen it does not need.

If you do not get enough EFA’s through your diet then your body will send out strong signals until you do.

You’ll know it as a craving for fatty foods.

Good luck trying to stick to a healthy lifestyle when you’re craving unhealthy fats.

All these extra calories will not allow your body to access its fat stores and unhealthy fats will contribute to loading the liver further.

Giving your body enough EFA’s will give your liver what it needs to balance out excessive hormone circulation.

You’ll also notice an improvements in your moods, a regulating of an irregular menstrual cycle, healthier skin, and a decrease in artificial hunger pains.

But most importantly, your body will allow fat to come away from even the most stubborn areas.

The minimum amount of EFA’s you need daily is 2gms. This is the absolute bare minimum.

1gm is the equivalent to 1 palm sized portion of salmon.

There are also other great sources of EFA’s such as chia seeds, flax seeds, walnuts and oysters. However these are not as high as salmon.

I aim for a minimum of 4gms of EFA’s per day and I choose to get them from fish oil supplement, each capsule containing 1gm.

Click here to see what I take.  

Anything else I get from my diet is a bonus and contributes to 1 – 1.5 gms daily.

Here is the third reason why you have a problem with stubborn fat and cellulite – too much insulin.

You must sort out this issue, because as long as there is excessive insulin in the blood, you cannot burn any fat.

Especially not the stubborn kind.

Hear me now – your body will never, ever prioritise fat burning when there is excessive insulin in the blood.

Here are my top tips for managing insulin production.

Reduce your portion sizes of carbohydrates to the size that can fit into your cupped hand or ½ a metric cup. Ie brown rice, potato, sweet potato, corn and other starches.

Do not exceed 2 pieces of fruit per day.

Keep your daily sugar intake under 20gms, that means you have to check the labels on everything (although that shouldn’t be too hard as most of the foods you’re eating won’t have a label, right..)

Do not use protein powders unless consumed as part of a meal replacement which would also include fats, complex carbohydrates and 8gms of fibre or more.

These strategies can really change the results you are getting. Not to mention improve your overall health, your moods and by the way create sexy curves not lumps.

It’s important to remember that these actions are really only valuable if you make them habit.

And that starts with a decision to make your health a priority.

So re-prioritise, invest and continue to invest in your most valuable asset.

Your health.

To your sexy curves and healthy glow.

Your Virtual Health Coach

P.S  If you’d like to learn exactly what to do and how to create this precise environment to achieve your ideal body, I produced an extensive training webinar on the topic that will walk you through a 3 part formula.

I’ll show you how I used it to achieve my own goals and the goals of 3 of my students…

If you’d like to attend, you can click here to register for the next session

In the training I outline the 9 perfect conditions for fat burning so you can create an optimal fat burning environment.

In part 2 I go through exactly what to eat, when to eat and what supplements I recommend for each body type.

And lastly, in part 3 I share 2 ninja mindset strategies that will unlock your motivation and give you confidence to move forward and achieve your goals.

There is no cost to attend and you can click here to register



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