4 Simple Ways to Detox

By Nick Thompson | In Health & Nutrition | on August 6, 2013

There seems to be so many detox programs, detox diets, detox drinks and detox foods out there. So what is all the hype about?

Well according to these programs, detoxification is supposed to cleanse the body of chemicals and toxins that have built up over time. Toxins can come from many places, two of them would be from the food we eat and our environment. Many promise you fast weight loss results. They generally have you on a very low calorie meal plan, have you drinking nothing but fruit and veggie juices, and taking cleanse pills to rid yourself of these toxin.

Do they work? We think the better question to ask is, how efficiently do they really work, and at what cost?

If it’s your first time on a low calorie food plan (such as juicing which is prescribed on many detox programs), you will lose weight. If that is part of your goal, that would seem like a win. However, if the weight you want to lose is fat, you’ll be unimpressed to know that the majority of your weight lost will be water and muscle. Seems not such a win after all?

Then once your detox is over you have a much greater chance of gaining the weight back again but this time in the form of body fat. This is not Ideal! and negates the intention of achieving a healthier you in the first place.

A healthy way to detox is to reduce your toxic load coming in, make sure what is coming in is clean and has high nutrient value, that waste is moving out easy and efficiently and lastly but often missed is blood sugar stabilisation.

Here are 4 simple ways:

Drink more water

Good old fashioned water helps your liver and kidneys do their job properly making them more effective at removing toxins from your blood. The kidneys need water to create urine which helps flush the toxins out of your body. There is no standard recommendation for the amount of water you should drink. The good old 8 glasses a day will give you about 1.5 litres. That’s a start. I’d try and double that, especially if you’re working out.

Eat more antioxidant rich foods

This simply means eat more vegetables and fruit. All different colours, all different kinds, especially what’s in season, definitely local and preferably organic.

The nutrients found in plant foods are essential to our toxin-removing organs and their ability to functioning efficiently. Without them, important detoxifying processes can be slowed down considerably.

Antioxidants also protect the body from free radical damage. Free radical damage causes oxidation to the cells of our body. Much like rust to metal, without proper protection and with enough time, certain parts of our body can start to breakdown prematurely.

Eat foods high in fibre

There are so many benefits to fibre; it binds itself to toxins and waste in the intestinal tract, and draws them out of your body. Fibre also adds bulk to your stool helping it to pass more easily. It also slows down the absorption of nutrients such as sugar and starch having a much more desired effect of stabilising blood sugar levels.

Having more fibre in your diet is one of the easiest changes you can make. I like to use a fibre supplement to help me achieve even higher levels of fibre, and as with any supplement, I always increase it naturally through food first.

The highest fibre foods are seeds (especially chia and flaxseed), nuts, beans and legumes, whole grains, fruits and vegetables.


When it comes to eliminating toxins, the body has 2 more ways. Perspiration and Respiration and exercise increase both. Need I say more?


So what do you notice? There are no special gimmicks. Detox means keeping your body healthy and functioning properly by eating plenty of antioxidant and fibre rich foods, drinking plenty of water and exercise. Sounds to me like a healthy lifestyle and no detox diet can match that.

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