How to Make Coconut Butter

By Nick Thompson | In Health & Nutrition | on August 9, 2013

I recently read a blog about how to make coconut butter. I immediately gave it a go and I’ve seriously fallen in love. It’s the easiest recipe in the world but there are a few tricks I’ve learned along the way.

Coconut butter only has one ingredient: coconut. And to make coconut butter, you only do one thing: blend.

Here are 10 tips to make the best coconut butter ever.

Tip #1: Use coconut flakes. The flakes turn into a smoother butter than shredded coconut does. Do not use desiccated, sweetened, reduced fat or fresh coconut.

Tip #2: Both a food processor and a high-powdered blender can make coconut butter.

It’s easier to use a food processor because you don’t have to scrape the sides down much. It’s also easier to scrape the finished butter out. However it does take longer and sometimes the butter isn’t as smooth.

Tip #3: Put at least 4 cups of coconut flakes into your food processor/blender. Less than that and it’s hard to get the right consistency. This will make between 1 to 2 cups of butter.

Tip #4: Be patient. The coconut needs to be blended for 15 to 20 minutes in a food processor and half that amount of time or even less in a blender.

Tip #5: Stop and scrape down the sides of the machine as needed if the blade isn’t catching and blending the coconut.

Tip #6: The coconut will go through three stages on its way to turning into butter. First the texture will be finely shredded, then thin out into a grainy liquid, and then finally turn into a smooth, thick liquid. The finished butter will seem runny, but when you taste it the texture will be like thick, sticky, slightly grainy peanut butter.

Tip #7: Pour the butter into a glass jar and let it cool to room temperature so it has a solid but spreadable consistency.

Tip #8: Cover the jar with a lid and store at room temperature. There is no need to refrigerate coconut butter.

Tip #9: Warming the coconut butter up just slightly (by putting the sealed jar in a container of hot water) makes the texture smoother and softer.

Tip #10:  Eat it straight out of the jar or blend it into smoothies. Add it to curries. Mash it into roasted vegetables. Spread onto pancakes. Dip dark chocolate into coconut butter for dessert. Combine it with almond butter.  To make it even more awesome. Put some softened dark chocolate in at the last few minutes of blending. Or flavour it with cinnamon or vanilla essence.

You’ll find out very quickly how addictive this stuff is.

You can find Organic and Non-Organic coconut chips in our online shop.

Enjoy! and let us know how you go.

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