
  • Have you created habits in these 2 areas?

    By Tarryn Thompson | In Health & Nutrition | on January 13, 2015

    I decided to write this article because after Christmas and new years a few of my clients came back in for their regular sessions telling me that they didn’t do so well over the season. Upon further investigation with one client in particular, it appeared that her actual results far exceeded her own expectations. Why […]

  • My mission in 2015

    By Tarryn Thompson | In Health & Nutrition | on January 4, 2015

    I’ll be the first to admit that I indulged a little more than I usually would do this summer holidays. In fact since falling pregnant 5 months ago, I’ve definitely had some unforeseen challenges in my nutrition. Even though these challenges have been unforeseen, the solution remains the same. I know exactly what I need […]

  • New Year, Fresh Start

    By Tarryn Thompson | In Health & Nutrition | on December 23, 2014

    Which day have you got planned to start your health kick? Tomorrow? After the weekend? Once Christmas is over with! There’s a fairly large list of days we feel will totally ruin our success and so therefore we’ll put on hold our health kick until these days are over. Believe it or not, I encounter […]

  • Best ever Loaf of Bread

    By Tarryn Thompson | In Recipes, Side Dishes, Snacks | on December 19, 2014

    I came across this Life Changing load of bread and thought I’d give it a go. We don’t have psyllium husk in our store right now but you can find them in the health section of the supermarket. Enjoy Makes 1 loaf Ingredients: 1 cup sunflower seeds ½ cup flax seeds ½ cup hazelnuts or […]

  • How to reach your desired body fat goal.

    By Tarryn Thompson | In Health & Nutrition | on December 19, 2014

    At each stage of the body fat categories there are certain criteria that must be met in order to reach that goal and stay there. For example, someone in the Fitness range with 22-25% body fat will be eating a certain way for 90% of their week, whereas someone in the Acceptable range with 26-31% […]

  • 5 Signs That Your Body Is Starving For Vitamins

    By Tarryn Thompson | In Health & Nutrition | on December 15, 2014

    It’s easy to become vitamin-deficient, usually by not eating enough of the right foods or not absorbing them properly due to digestive issues. But even by eating enough of the right foods you can still fall short. In the most recent National Nutrition Survey, only half of New Zealanders consumed the recommended 5+ servings of […]

  • Why do I store fat in the first place

    By Tarryn Thompson | In Health & Nutrition | on December 10, 2014

    As my career in nutrition coaching started to  develop, I had to start asking a few different questions. The first one was: Why do people store fat in the first place? ” Another question I had: “How measurable is health really?” or “Does is really differ from opinion to opinion? And lastly, I asked my […]

  • The missing link in your fat loss journey

    By Tarryn Thompson | In Health & Nutrition | on December 2, 2014

    My own personal health journey has been a huge source to draw upon. It has helped me hugely when relating to each one of my clients as I have been where all of them are. At my heaviest over 40% body fat to my leanest at 18% body fat and currently pregnant which is the […]

  • I want to share with you the secret to achieving a healthy life and keeping a slim body, but first let’s back up a little and explain a couple of concepts. Every day people are subjected to toxins. These build up in the body and our poor old kidneys and liver have the job of […]

  • Top 10 Foods That Cleanse Your Liver

    By Nick Thompson | In Health & Nutrition | on September 9, 2014

    Our liver is super important to keep our body healthy and clean. It converts nutrients, burns fat, stores vitamins and minerals, produces proteins and enzymes, and eliminates toxins and other waste materials. It performs so many vital functions that it is no wonder that it’s so prone to disease. Our world is getting more toxic […]

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