Why fad diets don’t work
The first problem with fad diets is that they’re impossible to maintain. Nutrition programmes based on restriction and deprivation will not only leave you feeling tired and frustrated, they will lead you to weight plateaus and potentially malnutrition. Inevitably, these diets will fail – leading to a ‘yo-yo’ effect that is ultimately harder on your body and self-esteem.
The second problem with fad diets is that they’re too often the ‘ambulance at the bottom of the cliff’. They’re what we turn to in moments of frustration and panic; when our clothes don’t fit, when we’re going to a big event, and when summer is around the corner. In our desperation to lose the weight ‘now’, we can find ourselves turning to dietary ‘quick fixes’ that sound too good be true – because they are! Fad diets don’t solve the core problem – and they certainly won’t provide a long-term solution to ongoing weight problems.
What makes a nutrition programme different?
Nutrition programmes are different because they provide structure that can be adjusted to suit your lifestyle and individual needs. By providing educational tools, a programme creates a plan you can follow for the rest of your life – even as your physical needs and lifestyle continues to change.
There are many different nutrition programmes to choose from, falling into two main categories. To discover which one will provide you with the long lasting results, education and foundation you need, read on to learn more about the two philosophies of weight loss.
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