How do I lose weight from my tummy?

By Tarryn Thompson | In Health & Nutrition | on August 22, 2017

Your body lays fat down around the main organs and glands that are under stress. If you are storing fat around your belly then the main organs that are under pressure are your adrenal glands.

Your adrenal glands make hormones that help your body to manage stress such as the fight or flight hormone adrenaline, and also the anti inflammatory hormone cortisol to bring the body back into a state of equilibrium.

If things in your lifestyle are causing you stress then the adrenals will be in over production of these hormones.

Just look at the different types of stress your adrenals will be working to manage:

  • - Stress from having to meet work deadlines
  • - Financial stress
  • - Relationship stress
  • - Stress from over exercising
  • - Stress from work relationships
  • - From parenting
  • - From not getting enough sleep
  • - From the way you are eating
  • - From not receiving enough micronutrients

Your adrenal glands can handle an extremely high work load, but if they are working hard for a prolonged period of time they’ll start to make hormones that make you crave salt, fat, carbohydrates and promote fat storage on your midsection.

To lose weight from your tummy, the underlying issue needs to be addressed.

Relieve the pressure on the adrenals by reducing added stress

You may not be able to do a lot about the different stress’s I mentioned above, but for most people enough stress is able to be relieved from the adrenal glands simply by changing your diet, exercise, and micro-nutrition (vitamins and minerals).

Then, over time you can start to implement strategies to reduce the stress in other areas of life. Often it can be extremely difficult to get on top of our emotions when we feel our body is failing us so improving the way you eat and exercise is your best starting point. 

Here are some specific strategies you can implement right away.

- Keep your daily protein intake between 50 – 75 grams to help with the breaking down of muscle.

- Increase the essential fats in your diet, specifically omega 3’s. Adding 2 fish oil capsules to your daily supplement regime is a must. Then add more food sources of Omega 3’s like flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts and fish.

- Stop exercising at a high intensity until your sleep improves. Replace it with anything that promotes a steady heart rhythm ie walking, yoga, tai chi, stretching, walking, and walking.  

- Add these additional supplements to your regime. Vitamin C, calcium and magnesium because your body leaches it from the blood, muscle and bones to manufacture adrenal hormones. 

- You can get this by taking a practitioner grade multivitamin 2 times daily along with additional Vitamin C. And don’t forget the fish oil capsules I recommended above. The supplements I use and recommend come from Usana Health Sciences. You can check out my online store here

– The multivitamin is called CellSentials

– The fish oil is called Biomega III

– The Vitamin C is called Poly C

If you’d like to learn more about the Adrenal Body Type you can get started today by taking the body type quiz. Some people will clearly be one specific body type but many are a combination of others. Lets first identify the correct problem. Once you have your results I send you an email explaining exactly what they mean plus other tips and strategies you can do to correct the problem.

Click here to take the quiz.

Yours in Health

Tarryn Thompson

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