Hi, Tarryn Thompson here, your virtual health coach.
If you are struggling with cellulite on your thighs, your hips and butt then this 2 part series could be the very thing you need to change the results you’re getting.
This is an area I used to lose sleep over so if this is a battle you are fighting then believe me when I tell you I feel your pain and this week i’m bringing in the cavalry.
When it comes to cellulite the solutions can be so simple that it just seems too good to be true. But when you understand what causes cellulite in first place it will help you to be consistent and more compliant with your meal and exercise plan long enough to see the results.
So before we get into the “how to” let me get you onto the same page so you understand what cellulite is.
Cellulite is a problem with the buildup of excessive fluid and waste, combined with enlarged fat cells.
The responsibility for releasing this fluid and waste buildup relies heavily on the lymphatic system.
The lymph nodes act like a drainage system which needs to be functioning optimally.
If they are struggling due to enlarged fat cells and constricted blood vessels then the result is pockets of fluid, which you’ll know as cellulite.
In the first part of this series I’m going to give you 2 advanced strategies on how to get rid of cellulite. And if you start working on these straight away, it will help your body to access even the most stubborn fat.
Here is the first advanced strategy: Eat more vegetables.
Get your serves on the up until you are getting a minimum of 7 serves (7 fists) per day. You can start by getting into the habit of not allowing yourself to get below 5 serves.
This is important because in order for the lymphnodes to do their job you need to be hydrated. Many people think hydration is about drinking water. In fact you may have heard that your body is 75% water, but it’s not water. It’s minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium.
When you’re low in minerals then you are dehydrated.
So why is this important to the lymphatic system? Because the lymphatic system it’s 96% minerals.
When we arrived in Indonesia my son caught a tummy bug and due to diarrhea and vomiting he became dehydrated quite quickly. At the hospital they gave him an I.V line of fluids containing calcium, magnesium and potassium. As he became further hydrated they asked me to give him pedialyte, not water.
Pedialyte is the oral version of his I.V line containing minerals such as potassium, zinc and sodium.
7 serves of vegetables per day will give you a base mineral intake to help you stay hydrated. Do this and you will help the lymphatic system to drain more efficiently.
If you start increasing your vegetables until you’re getting 7 serves daily as part of your nutrition and exercise plan, then you’ll see your body let go of excess fluid.
This can take care of an immediate looser fitting in your clothes. Continue doing this and it will allow your body to access stubborn fat including cellulite resulting in a more even distribution.
Here are some ways you can increase veggie serves. Add 1-2 handfuls of leafy greens such as spinach into a smoothie.
Have a salad at least once per day for one of your main meals.
Make one meal per day vegetarian such as a ratatouille or a spinach and chickpea curry.
Here is the second advanced strategy: Invest in a high quality multivitamin.
If you do not take a multivitamin of excellent quality, your body will struggle to get the vitamins and minerals it needs, optimally. Supplementing with vitamins helps to top up what you cannot get from food alone. In fact even after 1 workout it’s impossible to replenish what you sweat out in minerals just through food alone.
Taking a multivitamin is a great strategy to keep you in an optimal mineral state on a day to day basis especially if you are making the effort to get vegetable intake high.
If this is not an area you have looked into in depth then perhaps it’s time you start.
The vitamin supplement industry is grossly unregulated creating a huge disparity in the quality of vitamins that you as a consumer have access to. However, there are a handful of companies out there who manufacture top of the line vitamin supplements, to the same standard of manufacturing as if it were a drug.
Note – vitamins are NOT drugs. But the standard to which drugs are made, is the only standard of vitamins you ever want to be putting in your body let alone spending your money on.
If you get into the habit of taking a multivitamin then you give yourself the opportunity to form a habit of staying hydrated.
This will give your body the tools to perform to the best of it’s ability.
And this is really the ultimate goal. Getting rid of cellulite truly is the result of what you are managing to do on a consistent basis.
Here is the bottom line: Do not ask your body to a secondary function before the primary. Getting rid of cellulite is secondary to staying hydrated.
Lastly, advanced strategies are just that. Advanced. Are you ready for advanced or do you need to take care of some of your other habits first?
Click here to buy the multivitamin supplement I personally use. Its called CellSentials. Its available in 20 countries around the world. When you select the product, click on the Change Market button on the top right to find your local pricing.
To Excellent Health and Your Best Life
Tarryn Thompson
Your Virtual Health Coach
P.S If you got a lot from this article then check out my FREE TRAINING webinar
P.P.S Click here for Part 2
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