I’ll be the first to admit that I indulged a little more than I usually would do this summer holidays. In fact since falling pregnant 5 months ago, I’ve definitely had some unforeseen challenges in my nutrition.
Even though these challenges have been unforeseen, the solution remains the same. I know exactly what I need to do to get back on track, I have an arsenal of tools at my disposal and I carry absolutely no guilt into my future food decisions.
In essence, I feel EMPOWERED in this area of my life.
So what’s my mission for 2015? Well it’s a given that I want to help as many people as possible this year but here’s why:
1. Nutrition education is seriously lacking in our society today.
The population as a whole does not know how to create WELLNESS. It’s not from a lack of knowledge but in most cases an information overload. The basis of the food education being taught to the masses begins with the USDA food pyramid. It encourages a diet dominant in highly processed carbohydrates and low in all types of fats.
Every body is different and therefore every body needs to be approached in a personalised way. I understand this and tailor my nutrition programs around lifestyle, preferences and dietary needs.
2. Our health professionals are (in most cases) not much use to you.
When we look to health professionals for nutrition advice; our doctors are not wellness experts, they’re sickness experts trained to treat symptoms with drugs and surgery. Personal trainers receive very limited nutrition training, usually the Ministry of Health food guidelines based on the USDA food pyramid. PT’s are actually discouraged, and in some instances prohibited to provide nutrition advice to their clients. Most dietitians (not all) are stuck in the dark ages when it comes to the nutrition guidelines they are allowed to promote and in my experience a nutritionist leaving their tertiary institution with a formal qualification now enters an industry with a heck of a lot of technical information and no real system to communicate that knowledge in terms to be easily understood and applied.
I’ve spend the last 5 years of my life systematising my approach to nutrition. So much so that I can give you absolute certainty about your expected results.
3. Most of the time, the wrong approach is used.
You’ve probably heard this saying before “Do you lose weight to get healthy or get healthy to lose weight?” It was made famous by my hero Dr Libby Weaver. Health is rarely the focus when addressing fat loss. Excess body fat is a symptom of an underlying problem. An unhealthy body will not release fat unless that problem is addressed. You must understand this in order to make your health journey an enjoyable one and one you will stick to.
My approach is health first and excess body fat just falls away.
By choosing or recommending me as your nutrition coach, you will be helping me achieve my mission this 2015.
1. Empowered people through nutrition education
2. Delivering a structured system based on results
3. Providing an enjoyable experience with the correct approach.
When I work with my clients you can be sure that I am addressing these 3 points.
The first step is to contact me for a FREE initial consultation. I’ll do that over the phone or in person, what ever suits you best. Before we do though, I’d like to know a little about how your body is functioning so I’ve put together a body type quiz which you can take by following this link.
>>>> Take the body type quiz here <<<<
Yours in Health
Tarryn Thompson
Nutrition Coach
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