Why do I store fat in the first place

By Tarryn Thompson | In Health & Nutrition | on December 10, 2014

As my career in nutrition coaching started to  develop, I had to start asking a few different questions. The first one was:

Why do people store fat in the first place? ”

Another question I had:

“How measurable is health really?” or “Does is really differ from opinion to opinion?

And lastly, I asked my self:

“How is it that some people can eat whatever they want and stay skinny, yet those same foods can make others gain weight?”

The answer……

Identifying the correct problem.

Many people are attempting to fix the wrong problem: their weight – which is actually the symptom.

It’s crucial to know what controls your metabolism; its your hormones and you need to get these hormones to work for you not against you.

Hormones are the language of the body, and your glands eg. your liver, adrenal glands, pancreas, thyroid etc are what produce the messages which tell your hormones what to do.

When you trip and fall your adrenal glands have the job of creating a hormone called adrenaline, and adrenaline is the “message” that gets sent to release stored sugars into the bloodstream giving you energy immediately; also the message gets sent to the heart to beat faster in order to pump the sugar through the blood to the arms and legs fueling you quickly to prepare yourself for the stressful action that is about to take place.

Each of your glands have the job of producing different hormones and all of them crucial to things that may not seem so important to you to address straight away… and so over a period of time, these symptoms will start to accumulate…..

Symptoms like unrestful sleep, waking at 2-3am in the morning, needing to pee in the night, feeling depressed or low, skin problems like exzema or even as common as acne, lethargy, lack of get up and go, feeling excessively tired in the evenings, flatulence or extreme gas or bloating, niggles and pains and many many more things that we put aside until it becomes so unbearable because on top of that your clothes are too tight or you simply are growing right out of them.

The real secret to a slimmer you, is a healthier you. Honestly. I cannot express this to you urgently enough. I’m 5’2 and was 84kg, and if there was any other way that I could have addressed it, believe me I would have.

At that stage I did not value my health, therefore I can assure you that I would have sacrificed what little of it I had if only I could be slimmer.

In this same breath I am telling you as if I am looking you in the eye, that regaining your health is what will get you there and keep you there.

I’d love so much to help shed some light on your current health.

I’ve dedicated the last 5 years of my life to up-skilling myself in the area of fat loss and hormone optimisation. Its the single greatest discovery of my entire career.

In my next article I’ll share with you the different stages you’ll need to go through in order to achieve your goal. I’ve been in all of the stages and I can tell you exactly what to expect at each stage of your journey.

You can get the ball rolling by taking the Body Type Quiz. Based on a series of questions about your health this quiz will give you an instant result showing you which glandular weakness needs to be addressed.

Until next time

As always, Yours in health,

Tarryn Thompson


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