Why do I lose motivation to exercise?

By Tarryn Thompson | In Health & Nutrition | on March 22, 2017

Hi Tarryn Thompson here, do you ever wonder why you lose motivation to exercise and give up so easily?

Well today I’m going to have a heart to heart with you about exercise. I really want to connect with you on this one because motivation to exercise was an area that I struggled with for so long and what I realised was that I was exercising for all the wrong reasons.

Over the years I have had many reasons for the different types of exercise I did but only 2 or 3 times can I really recall feeling motivated and turning up no matter how busy.

If you are feeling unmotivated about exercising and you just can’t seem to stay with it, then stick with me on this one because this may be a game changer for you.

I’m going to give you 2 things to consider. One is about understanding where motivation truly comes from and the other is to do with your motives to exercise.

Here’s the first thing to consider.

You’ve got to fall in love with the process of finding the kind of exercise you enjoy.

It’s important because to continuously have the motivation to turn up only happens when you are truly loving it.

Often we make decisions about what we will do and what we will try based on what we believe is best. Rather than what we enjoy.

Think back to when you were a kid and it was all about play. You probably tried many different sports or activities through your schooling years, some you liked, some you hated and then you found the one you enjoyed.

The one that you had some natural skill at, and the one that challenged you and brought out the best in you.

Well this is no different except you’re a grown up now you have resources.

If you do not find a way to fall in love with the process of finding your thing, then you will struggle to find a peace with exercise. You’ll stay in shoulda coulda land, instead of getting results.

This is why dieters say they need the fast results otherwise they will quickly lose their motivation. The reality is it doesn’t matter whether you’re getting results because if you’re not enjoying it, you won’t continue to do it and eventually you’ll end up with the body you had.

If you do decide to fall in love with the process then eventually you will find what you are good at and what you love. You might even surprise yourself as I have done a few times.

When you find it you will actually look forward to exercise.

I know it may sound crazy but even when you are tired, you’ll find the energy to do it.

People will say, wow you’re so disciplined and will wonder the same thing you used to. And you’ll recall yourself saying “I just can’t find the time”. But you make time for the things you value and enjoy.

Here’s the second thing to consider which is to do with your motive to exercise.

Can you answer this question?

What would you try if you didn’t have to consider anyone or anything but yourself?

Often we make decisions about what exercise we will try based on what we think others will think of us or whether it will help us to look a certain way.

It’s important that you forget about what others think and also to stop trying to be like others and just be you.

As I am writing this and recalling on my own experience, I didn’t find the exercise I truly enjoyed for ages. And mainly it came down to these two reasons. The fear of judgement from others, like what if I suck? My clothes are ugly, my shoes are too bulky, I look fat in this, everything jiggles, people are staring at me.

In fact, when I tried my hand at running I actually used to cross the street so that traffic coming from behind wouldn’t see my jiggly butt!

The other reason was, covetousness. What exercise do I need to do to look like her.

Both these motives are coming from the wrong place.

If you don’t consider your true motives then you’ll find yourself making excuses and be quick to give up.

You’ll wake up in the morning and you’ll find it a drag to get out of bed and so you’ll stop trying when you get tired of being tired. 

You could be exercising for years on and off, and in the same pattern that you yo yo diet, the thought of exercising can become associated with pain and failure.

If you forget about everyone else and truly make it your intention to find what you enjoy you will have to try new things. As a result your level of engagement with life and the people around you will go to a whole new level.

As you begin to feel confident in your skin, know your limits and push your limits, you’ll have better life experiences all round as well as experiencing the fruits of a healthy slimmer body.  

Here’s an experience I had which will illustrate my point. I’m not entirely comfortable in the water and one day I found myself in a boat with a bunch of friends, and everyone was either wake boarding skilfully or willing to give it a go.

Now the old me would have been so concerned with what I would look like falling, and how incapable I was that I would not even have tried.

But through the experience of trying new things I have developed confidence. So while initially I still hear that story, I choose to tell myself a new one. 

So what would you try if you didn’t have to consider anyone, or anything but yourself? What would bring you joy?

Is it mountain biking, going to the gym, doing pilates, playing netball, joining a hiking group?

This personal discovery of exercise is a progress. Allow yourself the grace of time, and to have many different experiences. Always question your true motives and allow yourself the opportunity to fall in love with the process so you can find the exercise you actually enjoy and stay motivated.

If you liked that and you want some more, then register for my free training here. I pour everything I know about weightloss and achieving your ideal body into this 90 minute training all for free.

Check it out. 

To loving the process and being your best self.

Your Virtual Health Coach


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