The 4 Body Shapes

By Tarryn Thompson | In Health & Nutrition | on July 10, 2014

I want to help you solve a big problem – stubborn weight.

Hi my name is Tarryn Thompson, certified nutrition coach and co-founder of Generation Health. For the last 4 years I’ve been helping people with that very problem.

I had the same problem myself. In fact today I stand 28kg lighter that I was 6 years ago. Check out my transformation here. I’d always struggled with dieting, calorie counting and jumping from one fad to the next until finally I addressed the underlying cause of my weight gain.

I’d always carried more weight on my butt and thighs, I hated it! But since identifying the correct hormonal issue I was suffering from, the weight has gone and stayed gone.

Excess body fat is just a symptom of an underlying glandular imbalance and I’ve dedicated myself to teaching this to as many people as I can.

Fat is not a cushion or insulation, it is a store of reserve energy, and most people are running their bodies on sugar fuel not fat fuel.

Certain hormones have the purpose of directing where fat is placed on the body.

It is a distortion of this function that causes different body shapes.

Fat = survival to your body, and fat goes where there is stress. If you have a weakened gland or gland’s, this will cause your hormones to place fat in that area.

Body shapes are the result of specific correlating glandular problems, and each person needs to eat and exercise for his or her specific gland weakness.

The outside of the body gives us a clue as to what’s going on inside.

Belly fat – this is the the result of weakened adrenal glands.

The body when under stress will store energy (as fat) around the vital organs – in the abdomen.

Bum and thighs – are the result of a weakness in theovaries which as a result creates high amounts of estrogen in the body. Estrogen is responsible for the fatty layer on the outside of a woman’s body.

If produced in excessive amounts you’ll see excess fat accumulate around the hips and thighs, the saddlebag area, with a lower stomach bulge just under the belly button.

Overall appearance of weight gain – because thyroid hormones are directed into all cells of the body, when there is a weakness in the thyroid gland, an overall appearance of weight gain will occur rather than in just one location.

“Pot Belly – the roundness of a potbelly is a little different to the adrenal – central belly fat. When the liver is weak,  fluid from the liver will be leaking into the sac around the abdomen, giving a “pot-belly” appearance.

My hormone blood tests came out normal but I have all the symptoms and I’m still fat

I cant tell you how many times I’ve heard this. Very rarely are the relationships between the hormones looked at. For example, if the adrenals overproduce their stress hormones the important fat burning hormones can be suppressed. If your ovary has a cyst on it, excessive estrogen can be produced which can block the thyroid and create thyroid symptoms like global weight gain, hair loss, brittle nails to name a few.

80% of thyroid hormone activation happens through the liver, so a person with thyroid symptoms could have normal thyroid hormones, but if they have liver damage; and failing to look at the deeper relationship between these two organs, the persons focus could be on the wrong problem and they could end up trying to resolve a secondary situation for years with no success.  

If you would like to test it, I would recommend seeing an endocrinologist.

Remember excess fat is a symptom of weak glads, simply the tip of the iceberg, not the actual cause. I believe when people make a decision to lose body fat, many times they are attempting to solve the wrong problem which leads to wasted time and energy with no results.

Lets take a look at the real problem – the failure of your fat cells to release energy because of weakened glands.

So how can I help? Well first, click here to take the body type quiz and find out which underlying hormonal imbalance you need to address.

Once I you’ve completed the quiz, I’ll personally review your results. You’ll receive a confirmation email offering you the opportunity to have a FREE  in-person or phone consultation with me. Simply complete the consultation form and I’ll be in touch with you to set up your time.

Click here to get started and take the body type quiz.

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