Why you store fat on the hips, butt and thighs

By Tarryn Thompson | In Health & Nutrition | on April 12, 2015

Hello my name is Tarryn Thompson and I want to give you the most effective leverage over your weight loss efforts by addressing the very things that control it – fat burning hormones.

Certain hormones have the purpose of directing where fat is placed on the body and it’s a distortion of this function that causes different body shapes.

One of the most frustrating places to lose body fat from is the hips, butt and thighs. Especially if the type of fat is the cellulite kind.

So let’s have a deeper look at the Pear or Estrogen Body Type.

If you are storing fat around your hips, butt and thighs then the main glands and organ that is under pressure are the reproductive glands, (ovaries and pituitary) and liver.

The ovaries make hormones that affect your mood, whether you are withdrawn or angry, anxious or calm, but also can affect major issues such as reproduction. Or, as it relates to this conversation, the way your body is shaping.

The issue that needs to be addressed is estrogen.
Whether your ovaries are making too much of it and sometimes in combination with not enough progesterone, or whether your liver is having problems detoxifying estrogen and therefore it is being recycled. 
This means your body is having to deal with estrogen from the current month, the previous month or months even, causing a build up.

Either way, both the liver and ovarian health need to be addressed.

If you are in a caloric surplus your body will produce hormones around the ovary glands in order to protect them. If you are in a calorie deficit then your body can really struggle to release fat from this stubborn and resistant area.

To allow your body to release fat from your hips butt and thighs you must focus on improving the health of your ovaries and also supporting the liver’s detoxification process.

The body has an amazing ability to heal itself, and it will do it best when we create an environment for it to do so. Often we can have the view that we’ll lose weight first and address health second.

However when you take the long term approach (which is what you will need to keep the weight off), then you need to address your health first.

Then when you do the things you need to do to lose weight such as create a calorie deficit and exercise, you will find your body is much more cooperative.

It’s very important that the things you do to lose fat from your hips butt and thighs are addressing both the health of the ovaries and liver. From the way you should exercise, to what and how frequently you should eat and also the vitamins and minerals they need to function as they should. 

My job as a health coach is to show you how to eat and exercise for your gland weakness.

You can get started today by taking the body type quiz to further identify your gland weakness. Some people will clearly be one type but many are a combination of others. So lets first identify the correct problem. Then I send you a detailed breakdown of exactly how to eat and exercise for your body type.

Click here to take the quiz.

Yours in Health

Tarryn Thompson

4 Comments to "Why you store fat on the hips, butt and thighs"

  • Rohini C says:

    August 20, 2017 at 3:48 pm - Reply

    How to get rid of these symptoms..?

    1. Tarryn Thompson says:

      August 22, 2017 at 4:02 am - Reply

      Hi Rohini, I’ve just made some improvements to the article but the best way to get rid of your symptoms is to take the body type quiz and follow the specific recommendations I send you. I hope that helps

      1. Mimi Gearing says:

        September 13, 2017 at 5:31 pm - Reply

        How can I take your body type quiz??? When I hit on your link, I get an error message. Can you please send to my email address?? Thanks

        1. Tarryn Thompson says:

          September 20, 2017 at 4:12 am - Reply

          Sure Mini, I just sent it now. The link is working fine. Perhaps try it in a different web browser or try deleting the search history in your current web browser. I find that helps

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